Order: Order changes through the Seller - Passenger details [ORDPAX]

Guidance for Schema Version:


Definition of Capability


This capability allows the Seller to request changes/updates to the passenger details within an Order without the need to reshop.


This capability allows the Seller to request changes/updates to the passenger details within an Order without the need to reshop.

NOTE: System Providers will use the above definition that pertains to their customers for Capabilities Verification.

Links to EASD Implementation Guidance

Not available

NOTE: Retailing Capabilities Verification Guidance will align to the published EASD Implementation Guidance at all times. From time to time when new guidance is published this will be updated and supersede any Retailing Capabilities Verification Guidance listed below.

Retailing Capabilities Verification Guidance

Updating passenger details works by providing the old data together with the new data it is meant to replace within the following function of OrderChangeRQ:


If only new data is being appended to the passenger’s profile, then the “Current” must be provided, but only for the PaxID (no other details required).

Updating passenger details requires the following steps:

The Airline’s OrderVIewRS should then reflect the modified and/or appended details. Note: The PaxID should still be the same as per the previous OrderViewRS.

This function is not intended for modifications to a passenger’s name - use the “Names changes/corrections through reshopping“ capability instead.

e.g. correcting a contact phone number:

          <PhoneNumber>+1 222 333 444</PhoneNumber>
          <PhoneNumber>+1 555 666 777</PhoneNumber>


Minimum Requirements



Minimum Requirements


NOTE: For all versions prior to that listed above (generally the most recent), the verification will be based on the guidance available for that version. In the case that no guidance is available, verification will be at IATA’s discretion.