Ability to provide discounts and offers based on promotions requested by Seller or currently made available by the airline.
Ability for a Seller to request offers based on promotions and benefits.
Provide a link to the published capability specific guidance or state Not Available
Include discount details on specific products (Offer Items):
Construct Offers based on specific promotion codes submitted by Seller and confirm promotion in returned Offers:
Minimum Requirements | Optional Messages |
AirShoppingRQ/RS | ServiceListRQ/RS |
OfferPriceRQ/RS | |
OrderReshopRQ/RS |
Request Offers based on specific promotion codes:
Clearly display any applicable discounts at Offer Item level on front end:
Minimum Requirements | Optional Messages |
AirShoppingRQ/RS | ServiceListRQ/RS |
User Interface Screenshots | OfferPriceRQ/RS |
OrderReshopRQ/RS |