Shop: Use of Price Classes [SHPRBD]

Guidance for Schema Version:


Definition of Capability


Ability to use Price Classes (instead of RBDs or legacy fare families)


Not applicable

NOTE: System Providers will use the above definition that pertains to their customers for Capabilities Verification.

Links to EASD Implementation Guidance

Provide a link to the published capability specific guidance or state Not Available

NOTE: Retailing Capabilities Verification Guidance will align to the published EASD Implementation Guidance at all times. From time to time when new guidance is published this will be updated and supersede any Retailing Capabilities Verification Guidance listed below.

Retailing Capabilities Verification Guidance


Make use of PriceClass to group flight or other services under specific families or groupings of products as a substitute for legacy RBD codes (e.g. RBD at flight segment or fare component levels).

Price class for flights:

Price class for ancillaries:

PriceClass structure in DataLists:

      <Name>Premium Economy</Name>

Any one of the message pairs below

Optional Messages







NOTE: XPaths or XML snippets provided are for example purposes - the presence of the elements explained may extend beyond the messages used for illustration (e.g. guidance may show parts of an Offer structure from AirShoppingRS, though similar or identical Offer structures also exist in ServiceListRS, SeatAvailabilityRS, OfferPriceRS, OrderReshopRS, etc.)

NOTE: For all versions prior to that listed above (generally the most recent), the verification will be based on the guidance available for that version. In the case that no guidance is available, verification will be at IATA’s discretion.